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Unlike other industrial products, aeronautics components are characterized by low production numbers, which can even be reduced to just a few units in the case of larger items such as transmission casings, jet engine fans, or wing spars. Furthermore, the manufacturing processes are quite complex and have very long cycle times, in the face of a very high level of precision and quality required to meet the essential safety and reliability requirements for the use of airplanes and helicopters.
Recent developments in robotics technology and related tools, such as 2D and 3D vision systems, quality control sensors, dedicated tools, and virtual prototyping, have allowed in recent years to address the challenges associated with small production batches and high precision requirements. This has opened up new prospects for the automation of processes in the aeronautics industry, aiming to achieve production characterized by flexibility and absolute quality.


SIR’s robotic solutions represent a significant evolution in industrial automation, enabling the execution of complex processes in a fully automated manner. SIR’s achievements extend beyond the typical applications of robotics, encompassing robotic lines where loading and unloading activities synergistically integrate with the production processes and assembly. Furthermore, SIR redefines the concept of machine tool tending by creating multifunctional lines that adeptly combine the traditional approach with a wide range of secondary procedures.

High Production Rates

SIR manipulation systems guarantee speed and efficiency: equipped with the best industrial or collaborative robots on the market, they have specific grippers and mechanical systems, with solutions ranging from the single unit to sequential tending lines.

Universal Feeding

2D and 3D artificial vision with binpicking capability allows the use of universal feeding systems, requiring no retooling between batches, with impressive simplification of industrial logistics.

Quality Control

Using the robot as optic sensor positioner, manipulation lines can be equipped with inspection systems that can objectively assess processed product quality through surface, dimensional or assembly checks.

Functional Characteristics

  • Feeding guided by vision systems
  • Dedicated grippers
  • Functional integration
  • Automatic product inspection

Bin picking

Bin picking of items placed inside bins using 3D vision systems in fixed position, on controlled axes or on board robots.
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CNC and Machine Tool Tending

CNC and machine tool tending by anthropomorphic robots through the realization of robotic lines.
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Part Inspection (2D and 3D)

Use of robots and cobots for complex two- or three-dimensional inspection of machined or assembled items.
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The ability to shape and define the form of a semi-finished element, regardless of the material it is made of, constitutes the common point of all the finishing operations proposed by Sir.
These operations take place in high-tech cells, where robots collaborate with axis-controlled positioning systems and a wide range of interchangeable tools, sometimes mounted directly on the robots and at other times positioned in a fixed manner. The use of offline programming and dynamic process simulation enables anthropomorphic robots to precisely replicate the movements of an expert finishing operator.
This is why we can assert that Sir’s finishing cells allow for the automation of expertise, as the technical and practical know-how of an operator can be easily transferred to the machine. As a result, robots transform into highly specialized workers capable of flawlessly refining a component, while ensuring consistent and repeatable production quality, paving the way for intelligent robotic manufacturing (smart robotic manufacturing).

Easy Programming

The times needed to put a new article into production are minimised thanks to virtual programming: transferring the operator’s knowhow to the machine is made easy.

Dedicated Hardware

Tool magazines and modules, alignment systems, electric spindles developed by SIR’s design and with multidirectional compensation: solutions’ hardware is the cornerstone of a successful process.

Absolute Quality and Flexibility

Quantities and repetitive tasks are typical of the automation of the past. Using robots in modern process manufacturing means constantly assuring quality, precision and flexibility.

Functional Characteristics

  • Virtual programming
  • Specific tools and spindles
  • Adaptive tool compensation

Blade fixing weldings grinding

High-precision, repeatable grinding of blade fixing welds on large aeronautical fans.
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Gear deburring and beveling

Precision deburring and beveling of gears using dedicated tools.
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Post Machining Aluminum Part Finishing

Finishing processes of aluminum elements, such as heads or engine basements.
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Titanium and magnesium alloy part deburring

Deburring, finishing, tapping and drilling operations. Offline programming of all machining paths with automatic control.
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Turbine and compressor blade deburring

Precision deburring and finishing of turbine blades using compensated tools positioned on rotating modular units.
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